Author Archives: savvynet

End of Year Self Analysis

With just 11 days left in this year I would like to invite you to take a look at how you are showing up on the stage of networking overall and how you can improve for the year ahead. First, … Continue reading

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Sven Mogelgaard – Byte Slaves

Continuing on in the saga of introducing people in my network to the world …. Sven Mogelgaard Byte Slaves What I do: I am a PC Paramedic.  That means I specialize in dealing with those “oh nuts” moments when your … Continue reading

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People in my Network – Amorah Ross

Networking is about meeting new people and beginning with today’s post, I’ll be introducing and showcasing people in my network. Today, I’m introducing Amorah Ross. Amorah Ross Positive Life Works * What I do: Do you find yourself asking, “What … Continue reading

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Are you filling your pipeline?

I was chatting with a gentleman a few days ago and he was telling me that THIS is his busiest time of the year.  He has more clients than he can easily serve AND he works tirelessly to make sure … Continue reading

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Savor the Positive – Enjoy Your Good to Great Moments

In a world that sometimes seems too focused on the negative YOU have the total power to turn your attention to the positive. We’ve all heard the saying, “Stop and smell the roses.” I’m wondering, when was the last time … Continue reading

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Make Friends Before You Need Them

Better yet, make friends without thinking about your future needs. Relationships take time to nurture and to grow.  So make the time now to make new friends and continue to grow the friendships that you already have.  You’ll never know … Continue reading

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Commitment Issues – me and my blog

My how time flies!  It seems just yesterday that I posted here and it’s been (gasp) 5 months. I was thinking about this the other day and debating if I should continue this blog or not.  It seems, at times, … Continue reading

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Keith Ferrazzi author of Never Eat Alone – in Seattle 6-15-09 Free Event

Keith Ferrazzi is an author I admire. His book “Never Eat Alone” is one of the cornerstones in my library on Building Relationships. Keith has a new book out “Who’s Got Your Back?” He is on tour with the book … Continue reading

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Fear Busters: Feel the fear … and take action anyway

Fear is a great stopper.  It can make your heart beat faster, your palms grow sweaty, and it can paralyze you in place. In business, fear can become an ever growing hurdle on your road to success.  If you let … Continue reading

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The funny side of Social Media

If you have ever felt that you can’t keep up with one more piece of the Social Media Pie, you may enjoy watching this short musical video that I’ve included below. The rate of speed of the inputs from Social … Continue reading

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