Category Archives: Building Relationships

Sven Mogelgaard – Byte Slaves

Continuing on in the saga of introducing people in my network to the world …. Sven Mogelgaard Byte Slaves What I do: I am a PC Paramedic.  That means I specialize in dealing with those “oh nuts” moments when your … Continue reading

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People in my Network – Amorah Ross

Networking is about meeting new people and beginning with today’s post, I’ll be introducing and showcasing people in my network. Today, I’m introducing Amorah Ross. Amorah Ross Positive Life Works * What I do: Do you find yourself asking, “What … Continue reading

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Are you filling your pipeline?

I was chatting with a gentleman a few days ago and he was telling me that THIS is his busiest time of the year.  He has more clients than he can easily serve AND he works tirelessly to make sure … Continue reading

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Make Friends Before You Need Them

Better yet, make friends without thinking about your future needs. Relationships take time to nurture and to grow.  So make the time now to make new friends and continue to grow the friendships that you already have.  You’ll never know … Continue reading

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