Category Archives: Business Networking

Did you come here to buy? Networking myths of the uninformed.

Wouldn’t it be grand if at the next networking event you attended the leader or speaker asked the audience this question … “How many of you came here today to BUY something?  If that describes you, please raise your hand … Continue reading

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What’s one of the most Powerful Ways to Jump-Start Your Small Business Growth?

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’ve got your nose to the grindstone all the time. But when you’re always busy working you don’t notice what’s changing in the marketplace, or what’s new that you could be taking advantage of to … Continue reading

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Keith Ferrazzi author of Never Eat Alone – in Seattle 6-15-09 Free Event

Keith Ferrazzi is an author I admire. His book “Never Eat Alone” is one of the cornerstones in my library on Building Relationships. Keith has a new book out “Who’s Got Your Back?” He is on tour with the book … Continue reading

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Fear Busters: Feel the fear … and take action anyway

Fear is a great stopper.  It can make your heart beat faster, your palms grow sweaty, and it can paralyze you in place. In business, fear can become an ever growing hurdle on your road to success.  If you let … Continue reading

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What are YOU networking for?

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”  And, yet, I know that when I am in the bookstore … I often do just that.  If the cover looks amateurish or if it doesn’t grab … Continue reading

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Breathing is not an option

That’s right, if you want to stay alive, breathing is not an option.  Your body needs oxygen to survive and breathing is such an automatic process that your body does it for you without you having to give it much … Continue reading

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Due Diligence in Business Networking

PT Barnum is well known for saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”  He also said, “Without promotion something terrible happens … nothing!”  And when you put the two of those ideas together … well what you can get is … Continue reading

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It isn’t easy being green

With all the talk, and seriously, everyone is talking about going green … I’ve been thinking about green networking.  How exactly can someone change their habits with regard to networking to reduce their impact on the environment? I think one … Continue reading

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Business Networking, George Carlin & Stuff

The passing of George Carlin got me to thinking about one of my favorite routines that he did about people and our stuff.  Business networking, when it comes right down to it, is really just all about our stuff. We … Continue reading

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Business Networking Pause

Before your next business networking event, try hitting the pause button.  Take a deep breath, relax, and remember why you are here.  Give yourself the present of, well, being present. Try this: The day before you plan to go networking, … Continue reading

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