Category Archives: First Impressions

What are YOU networking for?

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”  And, yet, I know that when I am in the bookstore … I often do just that.  If the cover looks amateurish or if it doesn’t grab … Continue reading

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Networking the Walmart Way

The first time you meet me, please don’t act like you are a buyer for Walmart.  Don’t ask me to discount my product or my services just to get you as a customer.  It will not endear you to me … Continue reading

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Things Not To Do When You Want Something from Someone

Let’s see if this approach makes sense to you. Earlier today, I had a phone call from a woman who let me know that she would like to be considered to make a presentation to our eWomenNetwork chapter here in … Continue reading

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3 Quick Tips for the Shy Networker

First, I’ve never been a shy person so this advice today is coming from a place of not knowing what shy people really experience.  And the experience seems to be very different to each shy person that I meet.  How … Continue reading

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What’s My Line is not a good Networking Strategy

Networking is partially about creating Word of Mouth traffic about your business, product, or service.  Yet, so many people are vague or unfocused in their personal marketing messages (AKA Elevator Speech) that I sometimes feel like I’m a panelist on … Continue reading

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Networking and Word of Mouth Marketing

Networking is not about selling your product or service in the now … or the short term.  In fact, if you want to become a Savvy Networker, you will learn to educate your fellow networkers so that they can become … Continue reading

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How’s Your Curb Appeal

I was invited to join a friend this week as she looked at homes she and her husband were considering buying.  It has been several years since I was a Realtor, so it had been some time since I had … Continue reading

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