Category Archives: Business Networking

Kindness in Networking

The # 2 reason why people do not like to network is that they fear that no one will want to talk to them.  Which goes hand in hand with the #1 reason why people don’t like to go networking.  … Continue reading

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Concerns about Fast Pitch Networking

Like you, I get invitations every day to join this new social networking site … or that new social networking site.  And, I know from talking to people that many are getting weary of all the invitations for it just … Continue reading

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Biznik 2 Minute Networking Strategy

Here’s a quick strategy to increase your networking connections if you are a member of Biznik.  (And if you aren’t a member yet, check it out at ) While you are logged into Biznik, go to your Profile.  Underneath … Continue reading

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Networking the Walmart Way

The first time you meet me, please don’t act like you are a buyer for Walmart.  Don’t ask me to discount my product or my services just to get you as a customer.  It will not endear you to me … Continue reading

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What’s the Weather Got to do with Networking?

Many consider discussing the weather to be appropriate small talk.  Perhaps great stuff to spend 5 or 10 minutes talking about.  Well, think again.  When you spend a great deal of time talking about the weather, especially around here in … Continue reading

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Things Not To Do When You Want Something from Someone

Let’s see if this approach makes sense to you. Earlier today, I had a phone call from a woman who let me know that she would like to be considered to make a presentation to our eWomenNetwork chapter here in … Continue reading

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Moving Too Fast Actually Kills Your Networking

Too many times, people rush in for the sale, and they end up not only losing the sale but losing the connection as well. Here’s a recent email that I received: “For the 2nd time in a month, I have … Continue reading

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What I’m reading – to improve my Business Networking Skills

I’ve been tagged by Almostgotit of with a new blogging meme. The Rules: Provide a list of the books you’re currently reading. Pick up the nearest book, and open it to page 123. Find the fifth sentence, and post … Continue reading

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Business Networking and Selling

When you go out to a networking event, there is only one thing that you should be selling.  Let there be no mystery about this.  That one thing you should be selling is you.  Not your product.  Not your service.  … Continue reading

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So, what do you do?

“So, what do you do?”  Many think that this is a “cliche” type of question.  Kind of like when you ask someone, “How are you?”  You may or may not really want to know, you are just being polite. A … Continue reading

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