Category Archives: Networking

What I’m reading – to improve my Business Networking Skills

I’ve been tagged by Almostgotit of with a new blogging meme. The Rules: Provide a list of the books you’re currently reading. Pick up the nearest book, and open it to page 123. Find the fifth sentence, and post … Continue reading

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Business Networking and Selling

When you go out to a networking event, there is only one thing that you should be selling.  Let there be no mystery about this.  That one thing you should be selling is you.  Not your product.  Not your service.  … Continue reading

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What’s My Line is not a good Networking Strategy

Networking is partially about creating Word of Mouth traffic about your business, product, or service.  Yet, so many people are vague or unfocused in their personal marketing messages (AKA Elevator Speech) that I sometimes feel like I’m a panelist on … Continue reading

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Networking and Word of Mouth Marketing

Networking is not about selling your product or service in the now … or the short term.  In fact, if you want to become a Savvy Networker, you will learn to educate your fellow networkers so that they can become … Continue reading

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Networking Preparation Tip: Your Personal Marketing Message

You know what you do, right?  Any time you are at a networking event, people who don’t know you yet are going to ask you this question.  Are you ready to give an answer to that question that compels people … Continue reading

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Confused Networking vs. Strategic Networking

Confused networking will lead to confusing results.  When you actually plan for your networking time, you will find that you have better results. What do I mean by confused networking? Well, confused networking happens in several ways.  First, you may … Continue reading

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It’s about giving not about getting

I have the distinct advantage of seeing people at every level of networking “savvyness”. And the ones who struggle the most, are usually the ones who either think this way or even worse … say it outloud… “I’m not getting … Continue reading

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Video on Networking – Check this out

I subscribe to a newsletter from Bob Burg – author of the fabulous book (and one I highly recommend that everyone read)  “Endless Referrals”. What a treat I found recently in the ezine that came into my mailbox and I … Continue reading

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Networking vs. Selling

Have you ever been at a Networking event and felt that someone had just painted a bright red target on your back?  Have you felt that the person who just shook your hand is also trying to make his or … Continue reading

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Lasting Impressions in Networking

Now that you’ve made a great FIRST impression, let’s tackle the work on the lasting impression. Do you realize that more than 90% of people do not follow up with the people that they meet? Think about that a moment.  … Continue reading

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