Category Archives: Follow Up

ABC’s of Follow Up: F is for Frequent and Familiar

Follow up frequently to remain familiar with your contacts.  Now, I am not suggesting that you follow up with everyone on a frequent basis.  However, there are usually 5  to 10 people who are key activators, advocates, and accelerators for … Continue reading

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ABC’s of Follow Up: E is for Effectively Efficient

How to follow up with people and be effective at it is just as important as being efficient in the process. Most people fail to follow up.  Period.  They mean well, they really do.  But life gets in the way … Continue reading

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ABC’s of Follow Up: D is for Dreaming

Business Networking is about building relationships.  Follow up after the event is for reinforcing the relationship. One of the key things to be listening for when you are networking with people is what are their hopes and dreams.  What big … Continue reading

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ABC’s of Follow Up – C is for Connecting

The best networkers are connectors at heart.  And, that is a very good thing because one of the most powerful ways to build relationships is to act as a connector for the key people in your life. How do you … Continue reading

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ABC’s of Follow Up – B is for Building Bridges

Follow Up is an important part of your ability to build relationships.  Actually, your follow up is the bridge that shortens the distance between know, like, and trust. As Bob Burg says in Endless Referrals, “with all things being equal, … Continue reading

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ABC’s of Follow Up: A is for Action

If you are honest with yourself, you likely have a business card collection like the one in the photo here.  How does this happen?  It happens when we don’t have a strategy for what to do with the business cards … Continue reading

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Follow up – Greetings – You can use right away

Back in December, I posted here that I was dismayed with Plaxo’s decision to step back in time with their ecards. I’ve found a new source for all of you who want a way to brighten someone’s day without the … Continue reading

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Plaxo e-cards: No Longer Useful

Well here’s a marketing wiz wonder.  If you have a marketing niche that sets you apart from all the other companies that do the same kind of thing as you do … do you maintain that advantage or do you … Continue reading

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Making time for online networking

I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date. I have no time, hello, goodbye… Who among us does NOT feel this way?  And, yet, we must make time to say hello, goodbye and quite a lot in between, if … Continue reading

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